7 Crazy Facts About Dark and White Beer

7 Crazy Facts About Dark and White Beer

Do you prefer white beer over a dark beer? Everyone has their own preference when it comes to beer. The war between dark beer fanatics and white beer fanatics has been raging throughout the history of brewing. This is a battle that may never be settled as the different shades of beer present various benefits and drawbacks. The shade of beer is influenced by the type of ingredients used in the beer as well as the process applied for fermentation.  Below, we discuss some interesting facts about either type of beer that may change your view of the whole war of white versus dark beer.

1. Dark Beer Contains a wider range of ingredients

While all beers are made from grains, darker beers are often made from a complex combination of ingredients.  This is what helps to achieve the robust flavor of dark beer. Dark beers are often made from barley while lighter beers often feature more hops.

The ingredients in dark beers are roasted for longer than when preparing a light beer. The longer the roasting and fermentation processes take, the darker the resulting beer.

2. Dark beers have a more sophisticated taste profile

If you love to explore different tastes when it comes to beer, you should go for dark beers. Dark beers often feature complex combinations of ingredients that contribute to their complex taste profile. The varying taste profiles are also achieved by roasting. You may notice notes of toffee, chocolate and other interesting flavors in your malt.

3. Dark beers are rich in antioxidants

Dark beer nutrition facts reveal that these beers offer several health benefits. These beers are packed with antioxidants that are beneficial for your health. The antioxidants in dark beers will help to prevent things such as cataracts and various other health conditions. Some studies suggest that these beers may be beneficial in the prevention of atherosclerosis. This is a health condition that often causes stroke or heart disease.

4. Light beer has fewer calories

If you’re watching your weight, you may be concerned about the number of calories in your beer. You can reduce the number of calories you consume during a night of drinks by switching to white beer. Lighter beers are not only lighter in shade but also in calories. The calories in a bottle of white beer can range from 60 to 100 calories. The calories in a bottle of dark beer can be anything from 200 calories. Make the switch to white beer so you can enjoy your beer without worrying about the number on the scale the next day.

5. White beer produces fewer hangovers

If you are out enjoying a few drinks and have to go to work the next day, you would do well to avoid having too many dark beers. You should stick to lighter beers. These beers contain fewer carbohydrates. This isn’t only great for those watching their macros but also for those that don’t want to wake up with a head feeling like lead. The lower alcohol content and fewer carbohydrates in white beer mean that it will produce fewer hangover symptoms. Some people won’t even experience hangovers after a night of drinking light beers.

If you’re out with colleagues from work or with business partners that you want to make a good impression on, stick to the light beers to avoid feeling groggy or going overboard.

6. Dark beers are great for your stomach lining

Whether you have a sensitive stomach or want to have a beer without a meal, you should stick to dark beers. These beers feature tannings, yeast, carbohydrates and other ingredients that will help to protect the lining of your stomach. You will be less likely to get sick or suffer other digestive ailments after having a dark beer.

7. White beers contain fewer allergens

Do you have food sensitivities? Then the white beer is your best bet to avoid an allergic reaction. Lighter beers contain fewer ingredients and fewer grain combinations. They are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

Whether you’re a dark beer fanatic or prefer the whiter and lighter ales, there’s no better place to enjoy a beer than at the Comet Tavern.

Kate Harris